The Trinity Challenge Winners

Sixteen Finalists have been selected out of 340 total
applications, representing a diverse mix of geographies,
organizations, and approaches. These teams bring the power
of data and analytics to identify, respond to, or recover from
disease outbreaks in innovative ways. From these Finalists
The Trinity Challenge Judges have selected 8 Winners.

Grand Prize Winner

PODD: Participatory One Health
Disease Detection

Team Lead: Patipat Susumpow, Opendream

Status: Growth

Current Operating Region: Thailand


Most new infectious diseases, like COVID-19 and Ebola, are the results of cross-over from human contact with animals. What if we knew when new diseases might be circulating among animals? Armed with a mobile app, PODD has empowered over 19,000 farmers across Thailand to be disease detectives and to document reports of sick animals. Expanding this network would make it the front-lines for future warning systems for emerging diseases among humans and livestock to enable rapid action to prevent the next pandemic.

See Solution Details

Second Prize Winners
£1m each

Blood Counts!

Team Lead: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, University of Cambridge

Status: Proof-of-Concept

Current Operating Region: United Kingdom


3.6 billion Complete Blood Count tests are done per year, with each test producing a vast number of unused data points. BloodCounts!, a network of experts across clinical, quantitative science and corporate enterprises, applies AI to analyse all data points and turns them into a broad surveillance network to detect infectious disease outbreaks without the need for any new instruments or reagents.

See Solution Details

The Sentinel Forecasting System for
Infectious Disease Risk

Team Lead: Kate Jones, University College London

Status: Pilot

Current Operating Region: West Africa


West Africa has been a hotspot of new viral threats from animals, including Lassa fever (over half a million cases per year) and Ebola (11,000 deaths in recent outbreaks). The Sentinel Forecasting system will integrate real-time data on viruses circulating in animals, land use, past spill-over incidents, and other sources. Public health authorities in West Africa will use Sentinel to forecast and manage infectious disease risk and prevent spill-over of new diseases with targeted interventions.

See Solution Details

Third Prize Winners
£480,000 each

MedShr Insights and Early Warning

Team Lead: Dr. Asif Qasim, MedShr

Status: Scale

Current Operating Region: 190+ countries


Timely detection of disease outbreaks is a global challenge. With over 1.5m doctors across 195 countries connected through its peer-learning platform, MedShr is uniquely positioned to develop an early warning system for infectious and novel diseases by applying AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and social listening technology to its real world medical data – which can be expanded to ingest scientific research, electronic medical records and social media for an even stronger surveillance system in the future.

See Solution Details

Khushi Health: Data-Driven Response
to COVID-19 in India

Team Lead: Ruchit Nagar and Saachi Dalal, Khushi Baby

Status: Scale

Current Operating Region: India


India leads the world in new COVID-19 cases with over 190,000+ new cases a day. Khushi Health equips Community Health Workers (CHWs) to serve citizens at high-risk for COVID-19 with a suite of digital solutions – including GIS dashboards for community-based surveillance, longitudinal referral systems, algorithms for CHW decision-support and automated patient engagement. Already serving over 14m beneficiaries, the group is looking to both deepen its digital toolkit and scale its services to enable more effective, timely, and targeted interventions for high-risk populations across India.

See Solution Details

DiSenDa: Disease Surveillance with Multi-
Modal Sensor Network & Data Analytics

Team Lead: Dr. Sheree Pagsuyoin, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Status: Pilot

Current Operating Region: United States, The Philippines


What if we could detect outbreaks before they spiralled out of control to cost lives and livelihoods? A wireless sensor network, with patented sensor technologies, offers a surveillance solution that detects pathogens in air and water up to one week before cases present in humans. This low-cost, game-changing system can be deployed in vulnerable, underserved and remote communities with limited access to health services. Continuous and real-time data streaming, analysis and visualisation then allow health bodies in these communities to make critical life-saving decisions.

See Solution Details

Living Goods: Supporting Digitally Enabled CHWs to Strengthen Health Systems

Team Lead: Sheila Mutheu Kioko, Living Goods

Status: Scale

Current Operating Region: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda


The sharp focus on containing COVID-19, has meant second-order consequences that threaten to undo years of public health progress in Africa. Living Goods is working to ensure the continual provision of essential health services through disruptions and lockdowns, by elevating its digital performance management systems for Community Health Workers (CHWs) to be more proactive and even predictive. This cost-effective approach to digitising and enhancing the performance of CHW networks is improving health outcomes at the community level and can be scaled in other environments facing similar challenges.

See Solution Details

VaccineLedger: Ensure Quality
and Safety of the Vaccines

Team Lead: Sid Chakravarthy, StaTwig

Status: Growth

Current Operating Region: India


The WHO estimates that one in three vaccines is wasted in supply chains; for COVID-19 alone, this would delay vaccination of nearly 3bn people. VaccineLedger has been working to revolutionise vaccine supply chains through a blockchain-based solution that tracks each vaccine vial, providing continuous visibility and transparency on vial conditions along its journey from a manufacturer to a beneficiary. Equipping health systems to efficiently distribute and maintain the safety and efficacy of vaccines, solves an important piece of the pandemic recovery puzzle.

See Solution Details

Other Finalists

BIOGEM: Biosurveillance via Immunological,
Genomic and Epidemiological Models

Team Lead: Madhav Marathe, University of Virginia

Status: Proof-of-Concept

Current Operating Region: India, United States, and United Kingdom


Emergence of variants for COVID-19 and other viruses threaten to prolong outbreaks and increase the toll of disease. The BIOGEM platform will analyse the impact of variants on herd immunity and vaccine effectiveness leveraging biological assays and deployed sensors, enabling policymakers to take the appropriate actions to control variant spread and contain pandemics.

See Solution Details

Connected Diagnostics for Early
Warning of Disease Outbreaks

Team Lead: Ramanan Laxminarayan, Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics, & Policy and HealthCubed

Status: Growth

Current Operating Region: South Asia, Africa


Control of pandemics requires a robust network of rapid diagnostics, which is a challenge across many LMICs (Low and Middle Income Countries). Healthcubed is an existing point-of-care diagnostic platform that can be leveraged for multiple diseases and will create centralised views on disease spread in over eight countries in which it currently operates. Combining this data with broader surveillance data from sewage, social media, and other sources will create a scalable early warning system applicable even in more remote and resource-poor settings.

See Solution Details

CrisisReady: Digital Data for
Emergency Response

Team Lead: Dr. Caroline Buckee, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Status: Growth

Current Operating Region: Chile, India, Mozambique, Peru, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States


Mobility data can transform disease surveillance and response in emergencies – but COVID-19 revealed how ill-equipped the world is to use this powerful data source today. CrisisReady will enhance access to novel human mobility data streams through a global platform and create a repository of advanced epidemiological modelling tools, that enable policymakers to rapidly implement contextually-intelligent public health interventions that have already been proven to save lives by informing emergency responses globally.

See Solution Details

Digital Diagnostics for Epidemic
Preparedness in Africa

Team Lead: Tobias Rinke de Wit, PharmAccess and University of Amsterdam

Status: Growth

Current Operating Region: Kenya


With limited diagnostic tools and equipment available and dire staff shortages, African healthcare staff work under enormous pressure. ‘Connected Diagnostics for epidemic preparedness in Africa’ supports the healthcare worker and builds stronger, trustworthy, and more resilient healthcare systems. Connected Diagnostics is a diagnostic mobile tool that helps health workers to better prepare for (future) outbreaks. It is a simple-to-use test which uploads diagnosis to the cloud. The result? Actionable insights on disease outbreaks, safer clinics, transparency on health costs, and better-quality care for patients.

See Solution Details

Fine-Scale Risk Mapping to Identify
and Disrupt Viral Spillover

Team Lead: Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance

Status: Growth

Current Operating Region: Global


Identifying where the next pandemic could emerge means we could stop it in its tracks before it takes off. The EcoHealth Alliance has been at the forefront of this effort, and seeks to use artificial intelligence to map zoonotic disease risk at a fine-scale with diverse data sources (e.g., land use, disease reports). Resources can then be continually focused to areas at the greatest risk of spill-over to prevent future pandemics.

See Solution Details

Mosquito-Borne Diseases Prevention
And Control Using AI & Sensors

Team Lead: Satish Cherukumalli, TrakItNow

Status: Pilot

Current Operating Region: United States, India


Epidemics and resurgences from diseases like Zika and Malaria can be spread by mosquitoes and cause over 750m illnesses per year. Moskeet is a real-time sensor network that traps mosquitoes to measure population size by species using AI vision and the presence of pathogens via novel assays. Currently deployed in five cities in India, this solution could give public health officials the needed insights to target mosquito eradication efforts and medical responses if scaled to hotspots across the globe over the next three years.

See Solution Details

Realtime Data Synthesis and Analysis

Team Lead: Dr James Kinross, Imperial College London

Status: Pilot

Current Operating Region: United States, United Kingdom


The COVID-19 induced infodemic has led to a burial of vital research and the spread of misinformation, preventing healthcare providers and policymakers from implementing vital learnings into practice. As a response, REDASA is developing the world’s first real-time, living systematic literature review tool by capturing the critical appraisal methodology of a global collective of dedicated curators through cutting edge machine learning.

See Solution Details

Striata -  Command Center for
Predictive Distribution

Team Lead: Benjamin Fels, Macro-Eyes

Status: Scale

Current Operating Region: Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, United States


To date, countries have sought to vaccinate captive, accessible populations, resulting in dramatic inequities in vaccine coverage, and stalled progress in priority populations. STRIATA is an AI-enabled platform that brings hyper-specific insight to decision-makers: STRIATA predicts who will and won’t show up for care, forecasts supply utilisation, and infers capacity and capabilities for each health point and the system as whole. This proven solution enables a more conscious and equitable distribution of resources, protecting disproportionately affected, vulnerable populations.

See Solution Details

Highly Commended Solutions

ANNE One: Remote Monitoring with AI-Enabled, ICU-Grade Wearables
– Steve Xu
See Solution Details

Countering hesitancy and misinformation to build vaccine confidence
– Dr. Emmanuele Chersoni, Dr. Vanessa Evers, Dr. Leesa Lin, Giuseppe Serra, Joseph Wu
See Solution Details

CrisisEngine: delivering rapid responses to global health emergencies
– Professor Michele Acuto, Niall Byrne, Rohan Byrne, Lynette Gillman, Professor Michael Kirley, Rod McClure, Andrew Middleton, Professor Mark Stevenson, Dr. Jason Thompson, Tim Wilson
See Solution Details

Disease Surveillance Made Easy
– Joseph Mulabbi
See Solution Details

– Dr. Chibuzo Opara, Adham Yehia
See Solution Details

Ethical open-source digital ID for vaccine delivery
– Christine Civetta, Mohammed Asad-Ur-Rahman Nile, Dr. Toby Norman, Krathika Parchani
See Solution Details

FORENOON: Framework For Epidemic Intervention Optimization
– Dr. Mitja Lusterk, Nina Rescic, Dr. Tea Tusar
See Solution Details

GOSAIC: Geospatial Platform to Predict Disease Impact
– Sepul Barua, Aris Persidis, T.R. Price, Suzanne Vernon PhD, Dr. Anita Wreford, David Yoken
See Solution Details

How to better combat COVID-19, a deep learning counterfactual approach
– Dr. Yue Huang, Richard Li, Dr. Alex Ng, Sixiang Peng, Xinji Shi, Dr. Jichao Sun, Yanpei Tian, Yifan Yang, Zhihao Ye, Yefeng Zheng, Xiojuan Zhu
See Solution Details

Next Frontiers of Disease Surveillance: Global Integration and Scale
– Matthew German
See Solution Details

POKET: Platform for Self-Reported & Citizen-Generated Data
– Kamil Shafiq
See Solution Details

Privacy preserving crowdsourcing for citizen engagement in pandemics
– Paul Baier, Dr. Christin Glorioso MD PhD, Albert Johnson, Ramesk Raskar PhD, Rohan Sukumaran
See Solution Details

Project EpiGraph
– Dr. Olivia Keiser
See Solution Details

Real-time Geospatial Mapping and Outbreak Prediction Platform
– Dr. Katherine Clayton, Michelle Florian, Tarun Sanghi, Lotte Vandewalle
See Solution Details

THEMIS: Holistic Estimation of Economic and Human Impact for COVID-19
– Dimitris Bertsimas, Mr. Michael Lingzhi Li, Baptiste Rossi, Saksham Soni
See Solution Details