The Trinity Challenge on Antimicrobial Resistance has awarded four innovative solutions with funding Learn about our winners


Youth Voice

The Trinity Challenge recognises there is a pivotal role for the perspective and energy of youth leaders and youth-led organisations in driving meaningful change.

Antimicrobial resistance poses a significant threat to global public health, with profound implications for healthcare systems, economies, and societal well-being. Addressing the issue requires collaborative efforts from all sectors of society, including the voice of young people. 

Youth Voice: Reflecting on the Trinity Challenge Youth Summit 

The Trinity Challenge is proud to announce the successful completion of the Youth Summit on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The summit gathered young leaders and youth-led organisations to drive meaningful change against AMR and co-design a global awareness campaign to be delivered in the coming months. 

Highlights of the summit included:

Interactive workshops: Facilitated dialogue and knowledge exchange among participants, co-organised with our partners BlackSands

Keynote speeches: Introduction speech from our Founder and Chair, Dame Sally Davies plus insights from experts on AMR and patient advocates 

Global campaign: Co-designed by youth and expert campaigners to raise awareness about the antibiotic crisis.

Resources and Ongoing Engagement

We continue to support youth engagement with a range of resources and encourage ongoing participation in AMR-related projects. 

Here you can find: 

Competition and seed funding opportunity 

Our Youth Summit competition has been launched, is now closed. If you have applied, stay tuned for updates on the judging: we expect to announce the winners in August.

Multiple teams will be granted up to £7,500 in seed funding to adapt, plan and deliver the campaign in their region. Our aim is to support youth voices globally by selecting winners in different regions. Seed funding will be awarded subject to contract and due diligence. 

Winners will be invited to an online winners event in September to share their campaign plan, speak with experts and access the additional support to deliver the campaign. 

The winning campaigns should launch or deliver key activities during the World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) activities in November.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for seed funding, applicants must

  • Complete the online application form by 17:00 BST on 24 July 2024
  • Be part of a team of 3 or more, of whom the majority must be aged 18 - 35
  • Be supported by an organisation*, who -
    • Are legally registered in their home jurisdiction
    • Has a bank account registered to that organisation
    • Will be liable for the Award Agreement with the Trinity Challenge
    • Will manage funds on behalf of the team
    • Will have a demonstrable commitment to raising awareness of antimicrobial resistance

* Team members are not required to be employees of the organisation, but will be required to have an existing formal arrangement with the organisation in order to deliver the campaign.

Seed funding will not be awarded to any of the following: 

  • Any donor that has made a financial contribution to the Youth Summit
  • Any applicant that fails the Trinity Challenge due diligence checks
  • Any applicant that does not agree to the Trinity Challenge Award Agreement
  • A submission from an organisation operating in a sanctioned country
  • For-profit companies that fulfil (or are controlled by a for-profit group that fulfils) any two of the following conditions:
    • Annual revenue/turnover in excess of £50 million per year
    • Balance sheet net assets in excess £20 million
    • Average monthly FTE employees in excess of 250

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by the Judging Panel, according to the following criteria. We encourage you to consider this criteria whilst writing your application.

  1. Innovation: Creativity and originality of the campaign delivery 
  2. Impact: Reach, Potential to raise awareness and effectively mitigate AMR 
  3. Feasibility: Practicality and sustainability of the campaign 
  4. Collaboration: Level of co-design between experts and young people 
  5. Presentation: Clarity, persuasiveness, and professionalism of the pitch

During winner selection, additional consideration will be given to:

  1. Global Representation: Where possible, winners will represent different regions and/or countries in order to highlight a diversity of youth voices and perspectives. We use the World Bank definition of regions.
  2. Youth Summit Attendance: Where possible, team members will have attended Day 1 (27 June) and/or 2 (02 July) of the Trinity Challenge Youth Summit on Antimicrobial Resistance. 


For more information on the summit outcomes, resources, or to share your AMR projects, contact Jennie Smith at


Does our campaign need to focus on WASH & Schools?

Yes, the campaign proposal must be based on the topic WASH & Schools, however the content of your campaign can approach this topic in any number of ways. Funds will be awarded to the campaign ideas that tackle the topic in the most innovative and impactful way, as per the Evaluation Criteria.

Can I submit a second, updated version of my application now that the deadline has been extended?

Yes, if you would like to use the extended deadline to strengthen your application, you can submit a second version. Only one version will be considered for shortlisting; your first application will be completely disregarded, so the new version must have the full and complete information (not just changes/updates). In the application form, please ensure you enter the same team lead contact name and and team lead contact email as you did in your first application. For the team name, please enter the same name as your first application but add the word FINAL, i.e. Team A (FINAL)

Where does our campaign have to be delivered?

Your campaign should serve the audience that you have identified and the location of your activity will reflect this. It may be local, national, regional or global. However, all plans must be feasible as per the Evaluation Criteria and so we encourage you to set ambitious, but realistic goals when it comes to reach. 

Do team members have to be part of the named organisation?

The organisation named in the team’s application will be liable for the Trinity Challenge’s award agreement and therefore will ultimately be responsible for delivering the campaign and managing the funding. Whilst team members can be independent of the organisation (either fully or in part), a formal arrangement will be required between these two parties for the campaign to be delivered.

Can more than one team from the same institution/organisation enter the competition?

Yes, two teams from the same institution/organisation can enter the competition, however the teams must be separate. No one person can be on both teams. The teams must enter different campaign ideas and complete different application forms.

What sizes should teams be?

Teams can have a minimum of 3 people and there is no maximum. The majority of the team must be aged 18-35 years old - e.g. in a team of 3, at least 2 members must be 18-35. Team members named in your application should be those that have a direct, demonstrable role in delivering the campaign - e.g. campaign manager, marketing, outreach, etc. You are not required to name or count those that provide supplementary services to the core team - e.g. HR, finance, etc.

Do teams have to have attended the Youth Summit to apply?

No. However, as noted in the Evaluation Criteria, the judging panel will bear attendance in mind during their deliberation (along with global representation) - particularly in the event of a tie break situation. The Youth Summit provided additional tools and processes to develop campaigns and we recommend viewing the recordings if you were unable to attend.

When does the campaign have to be delivered?

Campaign activity can commence once the Trinity Challenge award agreement has been signed - which is estimated to be in September, following the winners’ announcement in August. At least 1 piece of campaign activity must be delivered at World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW), 18 - 24 November 2024. Contractually, winners will have 6 months from the Award Agreement being signed to develop, deliver and report on their campaign. In practice, the duration of each winner’s campaign will differ according to its specific activity - as set out in the application form.

What can funds be spent on?

Seed funds can be spent on costs directly relating to the delivery of the campaign. In your application, we ask for these to be broken down into categories, such as personnel, materials, events, marketing and other expenses. You may include up to 2% contingency. All costs must be presented in £ GBP for the purposes of the application. All funding must be spent within 6 months of the Award Agreement being signed as per your proposal, with any unspent balance returned to the Trinity Challenge.

What are the reporting requirements?

Winners will be asked to stay in regular communication with the Trinity Challenge throughout the award period, with their campaigns being amplified by the Trinity Challenge team. Each team will be required to provide a final campaign report, including impact measurement, and a reconciled budget at the end of the award period (6 months from the point of signature).