The Trinity Challenge on Antimicrobial Resistance has awarded four innovative solutions with funding Learn about our winners

Eighteen months on: Where are they now?

In 2021, when the world was still gripped by the Covid-19 pandemic, The Trinity Challenge issued a global call-to-action for cutting-edge innovations in data and analytics to support better prediction, identification, and response to pandemic threats. Out of 340 applications from over 60 countries, eight innovations were selected by an expert judging panel to represent the most promising solutions to make the world safer. Eighteen months since the awards were announced and the prizes distributed, where are they now?

In partnership with Jhpiego's Worldwide Innovation Support Platform (WISH) this section will showcase the progress of the Trinity Challenge winners and invite participants to reflect on ways that they can help these innovations to reach their full potential on behalf of the global community.

Participatory One-Health Disease Detection

Blood Counts!

The Sentinel Forecasting System


Khushi Baby


