Youth Voice

The Trinity Challenge recognises there is a pivotal role for the perspective and energy of youth leaders and youth-led organisations in driving meaningful change.

Youth Voice: Reflecting on the Trinity Challenge Youth Summit

The Trinity Challenge is proud to have delivered our first ever Youth Summit on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The summit brought together young leaders and youth-led organisations working in AMR and related spaces. The aim of the summit was to strengthen the global network of organisations working in this area, to find new ways to drive meaningful change and to co-design a global awareness campaign to be delivered in the coming months.

Highlights of the summit included:

  • Interactive workshops: facilitated dialogue and knowledge exchange among participants, co-organised with our partners Black Sands.
  • Keynote speeches and training: introduction speech from our Founder and Chair, Dame Sally Davies, plus insights from experts on AMR and patient advocates. Black Sands also delivered a Campaigning 101 session to help participants focus their discussions and campaign ideas.
  • Global campaign: co-designed by youth and expert campaigners to raise awareness about the antibiotic crisis.

The Winning campaign topic, as voted for by participants of the Youth Summit, was WASH and Schools. Following the summit we opened a campaign competition, 97 teams entered their ideas, representing 6 regions globally.

Competition Update

Our Youth Summit competition has now closed, and we have entered the judging phase. If you have applied, keep an eye out for updates on the decisions of our independent judging panel.

Multiple teams from around the world will be granted up to £7,500 in seed funding to adapt, plan, and deliver the campaign in their region. Our aim is to support youth voices globally by selecting winners in different regions. Seed funding will be awarded subject to contract and due diligence.

Winners will be invited to an online winners’ event in September to share their campaign plan, speak with experts, and access additional support to deliver the campaign.

The winning campaigns should launch or deliver key activities during the World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) activities in November 2024.

Resources and Ongoing Engagement

We are happy to recommend a range of resources created through consultation with young people by ReAct and the World Health Organisation. We continue to encourage ongoing participation in AMR-related projects.

Here you can find:



Youth Summit Recordings


For more information on the summit outcomes, resources, or to ask questions, feel free to contact Jennie Smith: [email protected]